Se présenter personnellement La famille 12 Créé le novembre 24, 2022 Par methodegarbee Jojo's family 1 / 10 Look at Jojo's family. Jaja is Jojo's ........ sister brother mother father 2 / 10 Look at Jojo's family. Eljo is Jojo's ........ sister brother mother father 3 / 10 Look at Jojo's family. Majo is Jaja's ........ sister brother mother father 4 / 10 Look at Jojo's family. Gaga is Jaja's ........ grand-sister step-brother grandfather granddaughter 5 / 10 Look at Jojo's family. Jaja is Gaga's ........ sister-in-law granddaughter grandmother grandfather 6 / 10 Look at Jojo's family. Sélectionnez toutes les réponses possibles : Nene is ..... Eljo's mother Eljo's son Jojo's grandmother Nanar's wife Roza's sister Pitta's grandmother 7 / 10 Look at Jojo's family. Sélectionnez toutes les réponses possibles : Eljo is .... Majo's husband. Nene's daughter Roza's son-in-law Nanar's son Toki's uncle Rico's father in-law 8 / 10 Look at Jojo's family. Sélectionnez toutes les réponses possibles : Rico is ... Jojo's brother in-law. Jojo's husband Pitta's father Jaja's husband Gaga's grandson Majo's son-in-law 9 / 10 Look at Jojo's family. Sélectionnez toutes les réponses possibles : Jojo is ... Rico's brother in-law. Jaja's brother. Pitta's uncle. Toki's nephew. Nanar's grandson. Majo's son-in-law 10 / 10 Look at Jojo's family. Sélectionnez toutes les réponses possibles : Coco is ... Toki's brother Toki's sister Rico's daughter Jojo's niece. Eljo's granddaughter. Nanar's granddaughter. Your score isThe average score is 78% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Relancer le quiz Exercices synthèses : se présenter personnellement Lucy Cliquez pour lancer la lecture et répondez aux questions. 8 Créé le novembre 28, 2022 Par methodegarbee Se présenter perso : Lucy 1 / 6 What's her name ? Lucy Winston Lucy Jackson Lucy Trenton Lucy Wilson 2 / 6 How old is she ? 26 36 46 56 3 / 6 Where is she from ? Scotland Wales The U.S.A. England 4 / 6 Is she married ? Yes, she is. No, she's single. She's engaged with her sister. We don't know. 5 / 6 Has she got any brother or sister ? Yes, she has got a sister. Yes, she has got a brother. Yes, she has got a sister and a brother. No, she's an only child. 6 / 6 What does she like to do ? (cochez toutes les bonnes réponses) singing dancing swimming playing the piano working travelling going out with friends learning new languages Your score isThe average score is 87% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Relancer le quiz Roberto 8 Créé le novembre 29, 2022 Par methodegarbee Se présenter perso : Roberto 1 / 7 What's his name ? Roberto Guillaume Roberto Guillermo Roberto Garcia 2 / 7 How old is Roberto ? 43 33 23 13 3 / 7 Where is he from ? The U.S.A. Morocco England Mexico 4 / 7 Has he got any brother or sister ? Yes, he's got a sister. Yes, he's got a brother Yes, he's got a brother and a sister. Ne, he's an only child. 5 / 7 Is he married ? Yes, he is. No, he's single. No, he's divorced. We don't know. 6 / 7 Has Roberto got any children ? Yes, he's got 3 sons and a daughter. Yes, he's got a girl and a boy. Yes, he's got 3 daughters and a son. No, he hasn't. 7 / 7 What does Roberto like ? (cochez toutes les bonnes réponses) jogging Playing the rabbit Playing the piano Playing rugby Bungee jumping Getting ready Your score isThe average score is 91% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Relancer le quiz Lilly 8 Créé le novembre 29, 2022 Par methodegarbee Se présenter perso : Lilly. 1 / 6 What's her name ? Lilly Gaffer Lilly Golfer Lully Beaver 2 / 6 How old is she ? 22 32 42 52 3 / 6 Where is Lilly from ? The U.S.A. Australia Austria New Zealand 4 / 6 Is Lilly married ? Yes, she is. No, she isn't. 5 / 6 Has Lilly got any children ? Yes, she has two children. Yes, she has one child. No, she hasn't. 6 / 6 What does Lilly like ? (cochez toutes les bonnes réponses) fitness getting fat. jogging watching TV sleeping swimming learn new languages Your score isThe average score is 92% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Relancer le quiz Previous : Hobbies Next : se présenter pro (check your email) Partager :FacebookX