
Rooms in the house :
the bedroom

Home, Sweet home.

Petit tour de la maison et d’une pièce en particulier : the bathroom. Vocabulaire, compréhension et prononciation pour devenir incollable sur la… salle de bains, of course !

What do/can you find in a bathroom ?

et un petit exercice d’entraînement :

Créé le Par methodegarbee
bathtub, tub, bath-890561.jpg

The Bathroom

1 / 10

This is the white substance I put on the toothbrush to brush my teeth.

2 / 10

This is what I use when I want to cut nails.

3 / 10

This is what I use to clean my ears.

4 / 10

This is where you can put things (shampoo, hair gel, deodorant, decoration,etc.)

5 / 10

I need this when I want to remove one body hair or something very small in the skin.

6 / 10

This is where the water comes from in a bathroom.

7 / 10

I need this to get (my body) dry.

8 / 10

I can check myself visually and see what I can't see in usual conditions. When using tweezers for example.

9 / 10

I need this to clean my body, face and hands

10 / 10

This is where I can have a pee or a poo.

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